Letters to the Editor

Letter: Tsunami warning

There has been a massive shift, somewhere far across the sea, bringing with it a towering rush. This wave will hit us, regardless of whether we live in coastal communities, the Interior, or the North Slope. The warning sirens are sounding, just not out loud, lost in the cacophony of our modern moment.

The warning is being issued by a beleaguered medical community: that we are headed into the darkest days of this entire pandemic, now, after so much profound suffering already. The bays are draining as the water rushes out to join the coming wave, an eerie calm descends as the sea bed sparkles in the morning light.

Omicron is going to swamp us. Get boosted immediately. Try, once more, to communicate to any friends and family suffering from the litany of deadly misinformation peddled by Fox News, One America News and our mayor’s Facebook cohort. Our leadership will never be proactive about this pandemic, only tossing out life preservers after we’ve been battered by the wave and flotsam. We can’t make it to high ground in time.

— Travis Neff


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