Letters to the Editor

Letter: Bad zoo story

So the TV news conglomerate from Atlanta, Georgia, that owns KTUU Channel 2 in Anchorage apparently thinks that the Alaska Zoo doesn’t deserve good publicity on its future expansion to land next door because a handful of equestrians are upset.

The Alaska Zoo is conveniently located and beautiful, here for all of us, thanks to generous community-minded donors, a few volunteers, and a few dedicated staff who take care of the animals and the grounds 24-7, 365 days a year. The zoo especially depends on local people going out to enjoy the trail walks and visiting the animals, and we do, winter and summer.

What was KTUU thinking, trying to make zoo lovers feel bad and not helping the equestrians to move forward? Life is good and the horses and their people will be just fine. Two hundred thousand visitors per year go to the Alaska Zoo. I hope it grows and thrives for generations to come.

— Jeanne F. Smith


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