Letters to the Editor

Letter: Responsibility

As we come into this election season, it is time to take stock of what we want as people. The point of getting elected to public office is to serve all the people who are in that district or area. More and more people are getting elected that only serve selfish interests, by seeking power. Whether it’s money or control over the people for religious purposes, or just to prove to themselves that they can control the “little” people, who bears the responsibility for these politician’s actions?

The bottom line is everybody’s responsibility. Standing back and letting our democracy degrade because you can’t speak out, you can’t find time to research the issues, or don’t vote, is the problem. We are seeing the effect of people who don’t feel that the government represents them, so they want to destroy it. These people have no plan on how to replace it, but they will do it anyway. Look at what the people running have done for Alaska and vote accordingly. I’m going to vote for Les Gara to move Alaska forward.

— Jay Cross

Big Lake

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