Letters to the Editor

Letter: Tshibaka lied

“Does birth control fall underneath that same category?” a man in the audience asked.”It would,” Tshibaka responded. “For people who aren’t read up on this, all birth control is an abortifacient. Abortion is the third step in the birth control process.”These are the words of U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka. She was answering questions at a Republican event held at Angelo’s restaurant on the Kenai Peninsula this spring.

Now Tshibaka says her critics are “lying” when they run ads that question the wisdom of using the U.S. Postal Service to sniff out who is receiving birth control pills in the mail. Kelly seems to think it isn’t fair game when people take her at her word. She now says it was taken out of context. It wasn’t. You can make the judgment yourself here.

If Kelly Tshibaka was an honest person, she would say, “I screwed up. I didn’t mean to say that.”But she isn’t honest. When caught red-handed, she attacks everyone who dares to take her words at face value rather than admit to making a mistake.

Tshibaka’s biggest lie is that Lisa Murkowski isn’t good for Alaska. The truth is, Lisa Murkowski cares about the people of Alaska and all the issues that are so important to us. From protecting a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, to taking the lead on legislation critical to Alaska’s economy.

Tshibaka’s campaign rhetoric changes based on who’s in the audience. The only thing that’s consistent with her is that she’ll say whatever it takes to advance her own political future.

— Tom Wescott and Barbara Donatelli

Board chair and treasurer, “L.I.S.A.(Leadership in a Strong Alaska)” SuperPAC



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