Letters to the Editor

Letter: Practice safe gun storage

At a time when friends and family are gathering to begin the holiday season, Americans are again mourning those killed by gun violence. This time it is the individuals who were senselessly shot and killed inside a Colorado night club and a Virginia Walmart — people who should have been gathering around their own Thanksgiving tables this weekend.

And here in Anchorage, we’ve had too many close calls. In the past two weeks, guns were recovered — one loaded — from students at Mountain View Elementary and West High School. This should be a wakeup call to our community that we must take action to make sure all firearms at home are locked, unloaded, and stored separately from ammunition.

We can prevent tragedy by practicing secure firearm storage, a hallmark of responsible gun ownership. The Anchorage School District recently formed a partnership with Be SMART for Kids to educate about secure storage through these “SMART” steps: Secure guns in homes and vehicles, model responsible behavior, ask about firearms in other homes your child visits, recognize the role of guns in suicide, and tell your peers to “Be SMART.” Please learn more at BeSMARTforkids.org and text SMART to 64433 to link up with local volunteers.

— Rochelle Parker

Be SMART for Kids volunteer


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