Letters to the Editor

Letter: Different perspectives

In response to Liz Iandoli Miner’s recent letter (12-4):

What is unsafe? Unsafe is reflected in finding needles with drugs in your camper that was burglarized. Unsafe is having a knife pulled on you when you open your car door and surprise the homeless person who broke the rear window to enter and sleep in it. Unsafe is when a homeless person walks up behind you on the street as you are unlocking your car and attacking you for an imagined reason. Unsafe is when your child tells you about the two drunk men sitting under your front yard shrubs drinking whiskey and swearing at her to leave their land.

These are all documented events.

Perspectives are in the eye of the beholder. Living four blocks from the greenbelt and the Sullivan Arena for the past 35 years provides a lot of perspective.

— Jerome McArthur


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