I’ve seen governors and mayors come and go; as you attempt to drive around Anchorage, I hope you will come to the adult conclusion that this is what happens when you vote for a governor — now twice — because he promised the world and has delivered nothing. It’s what you get when you elect a mayor because of a mask.
Bar none, this plowing in our state and our city is the absolute worst I’ve ever encountered, and it’s not because we got a lot of snow all at once — this used to be a more common occurrence. It’s from the mentality of “cut, cut, cut, and I don’t want to pay for the services my state and my community need.”
The mayor is on record stating saying that city plows paid for by Anchorage taxpayers were helping the state plow state roads. Why?
This has never been necessary before. Do you think that’s needed in the Mat-Su? Kenai?
Mind you, they are not able to effectively plow our streets.
The losses are probably in the millions of dollars in lost wages, lost sales, lost productivity, missed appointments, surgeries, not to mention the near-impossible task of responding to emergencies by local public safety.
— Shawn O’Donnell
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