In a dubious effort to show honor to fallen soldiers and Gold Star families, draft dodger Donald Trump and his team dishonored the graves at Arlington National Cemetery last Monday.
Despite being informed of longstanding rules that prohibit political events at the cemetery, including filming and photos, one of Trump’s staff abruptly pushed aside a cemetery employee who was attempting to ensure adherence to the rules. Consistent with the decorum expected at the cemetery, it is reported this employee did not escalate the matter but acted professionally and avoided further disruption.
However, Stephen Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesperson, called the employee a “liar” and claimed that it was the employee “who initiated physical contact and verbal harassment that was unwarranted and unnecessary.”
He went so far as to assert this employee was “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.”
What this event dramatically reinforces, however, is that Trump and his team continue to act as though they are not subject to the same rules and laws as the rest of us and then shamelessly make up “facts” to suit their needs.
Sadly, this incident is one more example of how Trump continues to dishonor our fallen soldiers.
— Brad Owens
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