Donald Trump and his campaign minions have once again proved that they have no respect for veterans, no respect for tradition and, most importantly, no respect for the law.
His staffers were warned in advance concerning restrictions on where they could film at Arlington National Cemetery.
They were told in advance they could not film video or shoot photographs for campaign purposes in Area 60.
Campaign photos and videos are banned on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. They cannot claim ignorance, nor is ignorance of the law an adequate defense. Then, when an official of the cemetery tried to stop them, they physically attacked her by pushing her out of the way. That action, by the way, is an assault on a person. Afterward, the staffers tried to justify their actions by saying, “Oh, if that other photographer can do it, so can they.”
And to make matters even worse, they attacked the cemetery official and claimed that she was “clearly suffering from a mental health episode.”
So when you don’t like the message, you just attack the messenger. Way to go, Trump staff, way to lead.
— John Klapproth
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