I’m an old nonpartisan guy who has voted in all national elections since 1960. The upcoming election terrifies me. I watched both political party’s national conventions, and this is the first time I recall seeing prominent members of the opposition party speak in support of the opposing party’s candidate — I think it makes an incredible statement.
When all former Republican presidents and vice presidents do not offer their support for their party candidate, the message should be clear.
When a candidate who admires dictators says we will only need to support him one more time, and the staunchest Republican Party woman I know, Liz Cheney, loudly proclaims Donald Trump will never peacefully relinquish the power of the presidency — we should pay attention. How can we ever forget Trump’s Jan. 6, 2021, election coup attempt?
When numerous members of Trump’s former cabinet and staff write books saying he is unfit to be president, and all four of the generals who served in his administration say he is unfit to be commander in chief — we better listen.
Most alarmingly, our off-its-rails Supreme Court now allows all “official acts” by our president to occur free from any subsequent penalty of law. Trump is the last person we should trust without boundaries.
The list of important issues at risk in this election is almost endless: women’s rights, the environment, federal employee protection, pharmaceutical costs, fair elections, voter rights, NATO, Ukraine, etc. We the electorate, including disgruntled registered Republicans, are in a position to save our democracy and the future Republican Party from extremism by handing the party a substantial defeat in this election.
Let’s seize this opportunity for positive progress, and keep the darkness and division behind us.
— Scott Grundy
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