I am a military veteran with 28 years of active military service. I served in many locations, of which Germany was one. It gave me an opportunity to visit the American Cemetery in Luxembourg. It has 5,074 graves of American heroes who died during the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. Gen.
George Patton is buried there.
I have walked the cemetery; I was especially struck by the large number of grave markers with the words: “Known But To God.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I wandered through the rows upon rows of war graves. Soldiers of my father’s generation.
I understand and appreciate the honor we bestow upon our war dead in that they gave their all so we may live. I admire former President Donald Trump in that he would visit Arlington National Cemetery with the Gold Star families to recognize and honor the dead while consoling the families.
Unfortunately, it stops there.
To use the solemn location as a prop for political fundraising is to horrifically disrespect the heroes buried there. Further, for members of his staff to argue in the field with the cemetery staff is even worse. I am sorely disappointed and hurt by these actions.
— Michael L. Mott
Eagle River
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