I’ve been watching a commercial on TV featuring a grizzled old veteran in an Army T-shirtcomplaining about how Rep. Mary Peltola voted against fully funding the Veterans Administration.
The veteran, Col. Peter Goldberg (retired), is an ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Alaska and current national committeeman. He doesn’t explain all of the poison pills inserted into the legislation that made it impossible to vote for. Nor does he list all of the bills that Rep. Peltola voted for that were beneficial to Alaska and the nation, but it’s just politics and I expect that.
What I don’t understand is how a retired military veteran can support a draft dodger who disrespected Gold Star families, characterized veterans as suckers and losers, stole classified information and thinks a civilian medal given to a donor to his campaign is better than a Congressional Medal of Honor. As Ricky Ricardo used to say, “Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.”
— Robert W. Lane
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