Letters to the Editor

Letter: No on Ballot Measure 2

I listened intently to supporters of Ballot Measure2 in the recent hearing, hoping to better understand their reasons for opposing

ranked choice voting. I heard a lot of repetitious rote pablum, whining about how confusing it was, and baseless claims of election fraud.

The complaints about “dark money” pushing RCV rang hollow, as Ballot Measure 2 supporters read from their own dark money-funded scripts. The “election fraud” acolytes preached for the elimination of mail-in ballots, asserting their integrity was suspect.

To get and return my ballots, I regularly mushed seven miles each way to meet the mail plane. I never worried that my votes weren’t properly counted. Those tired tirades about election integrity are an affront to every Alaskan who judiciously exercises their voting rights by studying issues and candidates and making informed choices. RCV expands my choices and voting rights.

Vote “no” on Ballot Measure 2.

— Judy Miller


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Judy Miller

Judy Miller works independently in environmental regulatory compliance with expertise in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. Starting with the Exxon Valdez spill, she has worked on several spills in Alaska and other areas for Gallagher Marine Systems, insurers and others.