Letters to the Editor

Letter: Judicial retention

Most Anchorage residents have limited knowledge of the conduct and evaluation of the judges that will appear on the ballot this November. The Anchorage court itself is rather large, and most residents do not personally know the judges if they have not had to appear before a member of the court. As a former public member of the Alaska Judicial Council, I had been involved in the rigorous screening and evaluation of each judge appointed during my six-year term and know how to access some data and evaluation of the judges currently up for retention.

For the general public:

1. Go to the Alaska Judicial Council’s website at www.ajc.state.ak.us

2. Click under the menu item titled “Retention.”

3. Under “Judges on the 2024 Ballot,” enter your community.

Every judge who is on “your” ballot will be displayed. “Clicking” on each judge will show you how the judge is rated by attorneys, court employees, peace and probation officers, and social workers.

What each judge is doing for community outreach is also displayed along with an overall evaluation of the judge’s performance.


I hope this information was helpful. The Alaska Judicial Council is always available to answer any questions.

— Lynne Gallant


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Lynne Gallant

Lynne Gallant is a longtime Alaskan and newborn intensive care nurse. She lives in Anchorage.