Letters to the Editor

Letter: Join the Nurse Licensure Compact

AARP agrees with the Anchorage Daily News’ April 13 editorial, “Why won’t legislators act on a tool to ease Alaska’s nurse shortage?” Alaska should pursue an “all of the above” solution to get more nurses to work in Alaska, from joining the Nurse Licensure Compact to expanding nursing program graduate capacity in-state.

Alaska has the fastest growing senior population in the country, and seniors are staying in Alaska, which is good for our state. However, the increase in our senior population vastly outpaces health care workforce growth. High nurse vacancy rates result in less access to care for Alaskans, clinic and facility closures, and longer wait times at hospitals and ERs.

Without the compact, Alaska is at a disadvantage in competing with the 80% of states that are members, making it harder for Alaska to attract the traveling nurses we rely on, retain our nursing graduates and recruit nurses from other states. Joining the compact will make Alaska competitive for qualified nurses and support our seniors and family caregivers.

Let’s not let politics get in the way of improving access to quality health care. Time is running out. We need this bill heard and passed now. Tell your legislators it’s time for Alaska to join the Nurse Licensure Compact!

— Marge Stoneking

Advocacy Director, AARP Alaska


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