Letters to the Editor

Letter: Misinformation

Mr. Sheneman’s Sunday editorial cartoon of Uncle Sam in a hospital bed telling Facebook that “your misinformation is killing me” missed the real culprit. Federal and state licensing for public airways through broadcast, cable, internet and print journalism needs truth and fairness regulations. These regulations need to be promulgated to define “news” as factually based (compared to opinion, biased reporting, advertisement or stories) and require fairness (both sides of an issue being equally reported).

Social media and commentary businesses such as Facebook, et all, should be required to routinely post warnings that comments do not reflect factual reporting, may contain opinion, misinformation, doctored visuals and audio recordings. Libel laws should be strengthened to include malfeasance for public misinformation.

I highly encourage our Republican congressional delegation to lead in protecting our internal and national security by introducing bills to accomplish truth and fairness in public information. This action, I believe, will go along way toward reducing partisan rhetoric and bringing this nation together.

— Riki Lebman


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