
20Q with Adam "Capo" Capossela

Adam is the founder and owner of Capo's Alaskan Beard Oil (caposbeardoil.com) and Heavy Metal Gym (801 E. 82nd Ave.) in Anchorage. He is 39 years old and was born and raised in Alaska.

Q: How would you spend your perfect day?

A: Anything outdoors with my beloved, 13-year old daughter Payton Lee.

Q: What's the last book/story you remember enjoying?

A: Alaskan Bear Tales by Larry Kaniut (Alaska Northwest Books, 2003). My great uncle, Raymond Capossela, was featured in it. He was killed by a grizzly in 1972.

Q: What's your favorite TV show?

A: The Sopranos.


Q: What life question are you still trying to answer?

A: How and/or what God has planned for me.

Q: What person living or not would you want to have a beer with?

A: I no longer drink. Eight years sober.

Q: How do you feel about skinny jeans?

A: I think they are ridiculous!

Q: What do you do to unwind?

A: Travel to the woods to be one with nature.

Q: What's your favorite place to eat?

A: Jackie's Place restaurant.

Q: What was your first job?

A: Bag boy at the Safeway at the University Center.

Q: What's the last concert or performance you loved?

A: Dave Matthews Band.

Q: Who do you go to for advice?

A: Jesus.

Q: What item from your home would you save in an earthquake?


A: My go bag.

Q: What is your morning routine?

A: Coffee, shower, breakfast, start instruction at Heavy Metal Gym at 8 a.m.

Q: What do you collect?

A: Various knives, guns, survival gear.

Q: Who are you named after?

A: Adam, the first son.

Q: Do you have a favorite Alaska beverage?


A: I make and enjoy various teas from what I find in our Alaskan woods.

Q: Pick one: Alaska summers or Alaska winters?

A: Summers! I have many broken bones, and body parts freeze easily in the winter.

Q: What's your favorite outdoor activity?

A: Riding my Harley Davidson Springer.

Q: What's your spirit animal?

A: Owl.

Q: What's the most Alaskan adventure you've ever had?

A: I enjoy getting lost and having to share the woods with all wild life. As I stated, my great uncle was killed by a grizz, and I have had many close encounters. I am a backwoods bushcraft man, I will either be killed or I will conquer! No fear, man vs. wild. That is how I would prefer to expire.

This article appeared in the Fall 2015 issue of 61°North. Contact 61° editor Jamie Gonzales at jgonzales@alaskadispatch.com.