Alaska News

Alaska Ear

NO THOUGHTS AT ALL ... Daily News political reporter Sean Cockerham got an e-mail Monday from a David Usborne:

"Good morning Sean, Asking a bit of an odd favour ... I am in Anchorage this morning because the owner of The Independent and the London Evening Standard wants me to hand deliver a letter to Sarah Palin requesting that she take part in a series of interviews with global leaders that he is engaged in at the moment. I know this is odd, but on pain of death I am meant to get this letter to her.

"What is your best advice? Do you know anyone I can call to see first if she is even in Wasilla today and second to see if there is any chance of giving her or someone close to her the said letter.

"This is unorthodox, I know, but so is my boss! Any thoughts?"

Well, darlings, here's Ear's first thought: Was Usborne, who's apparently the U.S. editor for his paper and stationed in NYC, already in Anchorage for something useful or did he really fly here to deliver a letter without first checking to see if Sarah was home?

Second thought: Some newspapers apparently still have money to spend on mindless idiocy.

FOOTSTEPS ... Is Ear the only appendage that noticed former legislator Mike Navarre won the runoff last week for Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor? He beat Fred Sturman by 525 votes out of nearly 10,000 cast -- not close in Alaska terms but close enough, all things considered. The swearing-in ceremony was set for the assembly chamber, which is in the Navarre Borough Administration Building, named after George Navarre, Mike's late father and a former borough mayor.


ANCHORWOOD ... Now for our weekly dose of chat about our current movie scene, the shooting of "The Frozen Ground" at various locales around town:

• The movie is reportedly using a house on Benson Boulevard to recreate the infamous basement in rapist/killer Robert Hansen's home, where he held some of his victims for days. His actual house was elsewhere -- in East Anchorage, Ear thinks.

• Long-time Channel 2 reporter Julie Hasquet has landed a part in the movie that she's eminently qualified for -- a reporter. And not just a face in the press conference crowd. She gets to ask a question. Hasquet is currently the Alaska communications person for Sen. Mark "Blow-it-up" Begich.

• Earwigs have been wondering why the Nicolas Cage character isn't called by the name of the actual trooper who led the task force that nailed Hansen, Glenn Flothe. Other cop characters have the names of the real people. Maybe we'll find out when movie publicist David Linck interviews Flothe. Linck announced Thursday that Glenn had agreed to chat on tape.

TECHNO ... Speaking of Begich, he's won a 2011 Platinum Mouse Award (really, that's what it's called) for producing the best U.S. Senate website. It's interactive and all that stuff. Plus his office Facebooks, Flicks, Twits and YouTubes -- whatever. Like awesome, man.

Ear still uses a coal-fired laptop and a dial cell phone.

AN HISTORIC HAIL ... The Army Times newspaper celebrates the exploits of military medal winners in a feature called "Hall of Valor." This week's issue recounts the adventures of one Capt. Charles Roy Huggins. Yep, sure looks like our Charlie Huggins, leader of the Alaska Senate minority, aka The Gang of Four.

According to the Army Times, the senator was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for his valor in action in South Vietnam in 1972. "He infiltrated a hostile area and risked his life rushing from house to house under intense indirect and small arms fire." Plus a lot of other scary dangerous stuff.

FLYING FACTOID ... Someone who knows the Pebble issue says so much money was spent by both sides in the Bristol Bay Region anti-Pebble initiative last month that the 500 or so votes cast ended up costing roughly $1,700 each. Does that make them the most expensive votes ever in Alaska?

COINCIDENCE? ... You decide: On Sept. 22, Revenue Commish Bryan Butcher, just back from a trip to North Dakota and pushing the governor's proposed oil tax cut, said he saw lots of Alaska license plates at the oil fields there, proof that we are losing workers to N.D.

On Oct. 25, CNN reported that Alaska strippers are migrating to North Dakota in noteworthy numbers.

So, where exactly did you see those Alaska license plates, commissioner?

ON THE MOVE ... "Moore Up North," the television version of Shannyn Moore's talk show, is back this weekend for a third season with a new production company and on a new station. It's now on KYUR, Channel 13, at 3 p.m., Saturday. If you prefer, you can also catch it at 3 p.m. on Sunday, in the middle of all the other Sunday political chat.

BEST COSTUME ... A kid trick-or-treating in College Village Monday was dressed as a protester, carrying a tombstone-shaped sign that read: "OCCUPY HALLOWEEN The Redistribution of Candy Begins Now."

Compiled by Sheila Toomey, Message Sheila at 257-4341 or Find Ear online at

NOVEMBER 6, 2011
