Alaska News

Climber waiting out storm before McKinley attempt

A Minnesota man hoping to become the first person to make a solo ascent of Mount McKinley in the dark days of January remains holed up in Talkeetna, waiting out a storm so he can be flown to Kahiltna Glacier.

"We're grounded for a couple days," Lonnie Dupre of Grand Marais, Minn., said Thursday in a video message on his blog. "We're just kind of in a holding pattern."

Dupre, 49, planned to begin his climb Wednesday, but a storm prevented planes from getting him to the glacier. The bad weather continued Thursday, and Dupre said he doesn't expect it to break for at least another day or two.

Dupre expects to have 5 to 51/2 hours of daylight during his climb.

You can follow his progress at

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