Letters to the Editor

Letter: Letter writer takes issue with viewpoint of national columnist

I'm responding to Meghan Daum's piece on Sunday April 7: She needs to shut up! Our career achievements are wonderful but there is a saying about always being able to be replaced. … except as someone's parent, or the half of your marriage (at least if you want a fulfilling and long lasting one).

When she criticized Yvonne Brill's son saying in her obituary she was the world's best mom, Daum was out of line. There is no greater praise and no tougher job. We are born with one mom, one dad, and are blessed when we have big families that love us, including step and half relatives. You can only raise your children once and hope with all your might that you screw up as little as possible.

At least Daum was smart enough to know "Good husbands" are hard to find, but I've heard how: be a good woman/wife! No need to hear from Daum ever again.

— Katie Eakes
