Letters to the Editor

Letter: Tax cuts are hurting education

Unless repealed, the tax breaks given to Big Oil by our governor and Legislature will create further direct hits to Alaska education. Today alone, a student needed the nurse, not available due to the nurse assistant cuts. A student needed help with scholarship and college applications, but, alas, the Career Readiness positions were also cut from all high schools. Due to cuts, we lost two library positions, causing our library to be closed in the afternoons while our wonderful librarian attended a professional conference. This affected the entire student body from being able to print.

Today, a senior asked to see the graduation coach for help with requirements, but that position was cut. Today we were told that our supply budget was cut 20 percent — the tools of our trade.

Cuts have included valued teacher assistants, ELL tutors, and teachers, all integral. These cuts are egregious and dangerous to the future of our students, our citizens, and our state. The Legislature needs to see the very real and daily consequences of its actions.

— Denise Roselle
