Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Feb. 15, 2015

Act now on climate change

I wish that a vote by 15 Republican senators, including our Sen. Lisa Murkowski, affirming that climate change is caused by humans would actually lower emissions of global warming gases, but it certainly is an important acknowledgment that we need to take action to control climate change.

It is also a good reminder that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including half of all Republicans, expects Congress to take action on global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has made it clear — now is the time for action, not delay.

Fortunately, we now know that charging a fee on carbon pollution and returning the money to families will not only greatly reduce CO2 emissions but also improve the American economy. (See citizensclimatelobby.org/remi-report.)

— George Donart


Faulty math at work

With regard to the Feb. 10 ADN story on eliminating the Troopers Highway Patrol Unit, I believe the state is using New Math or Common Core Math to work its budget. Capt. Hahn is quoted as saying the feds pay one-half the cost of the program. If the program is eliminated and the troopers reassigned, won't the state be required to assume the full cost of these troopers? My old-school math says we will pay 50 percent more for no increase in personnel and jeopardize our highway safety.


As a sidebar, with the legalization of marijuana, there is a very real possibility of an increase in the number of impaired drivers on our roads. If the highway patrol is indeed responsible for the "lowest number of highway deaths since 1994" (and it is too much of a coincidence not to be), is this the time to reduce their numbers? Domestic disputes, home invasions, someone's dog pooping in the neighbor's yard, etc. can escalate into a deadly situation, but impaired and speeding drivers are definitely deadly too.

— Nick Steen


Focus on the bigger issues

First, Ethan Berkowitz lost elections in 2010, 2012 and 2014 using "other people's money." Now he wants to run for mayor, using OPM again. After the hat trick (three straight losses), he should think that maybe he is not electable. He should use his own money on this campaign.

Second, we are going to see a shortfall in the state's budget of some $3 billion to $4 billion, and the Legislature in Juneau is wrapped around the axle about daylight saving time. "There are health effects associated with the changing of clocks in the spring and fall." Memo to the Legislature: There will be serious health effects on the population of Alaska if you don't address the budget in a very focused manner.

We need your full-blown attention on the budget deficit. Talk about health effects, people's lives are hanging in the balance. Reduce or eliminate the tax breaks. Get this out-of-control train under control. Address daylight saving time down the road. If Alaska experiences military reductions at JBER, as well as Fairbanks, and the deficit is with us for any length of time, one might want to sell tickets at Tok to access the Alaska Highway. This has all the makings of what happened here in the mid-'80s.

— Mike Lyle


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