Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Aug. 8, 2015

Planned Parenthood improves, saves lives

Several years ago, I was a high school science teacher in the Anchorage area. When the unit on sexual education arrived, it commenced with a simple true/false test regarding common myths often propagated about sexual reproduction. It was surprising that the majority of the students (as well as some staff) were clueless or lacking on this topic. This unit was invaluable to all, and Planned Parenthood played a large role in educating these students in these lessons during this unit. Planned Parenthood was also a great source of information for myself when I was these students' age; one of the biggest lessons I learned from Planned Parenthood as a teenager was to respect myself. They offered me the help and education I did not receive at home due to my situation growing up.

Whether one believes in the validity and ethics of abortion or not, we should be reminded that only 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's services are abortion related, abortion is only an option and never encouraged, and that 1 in 5 women have visited Planned Parenthood in their lifetime (according to Planned Parenthood's website). Before spending is cut, we must consider the other

97 percent of educational and health care services that are inarguably necessary, healthy and less shrouded in "morals" in U.S. citizens' lives. With any Planned Parenthood services cut, we would begin to see more and more students that are as equally confused about sex ed as I saw several years ago as an educator. Planned Parenthood improves and saves far more lives than most realize and in ways to most do not imagine.

— Donna Klecka

Eagle River

Spam comments have infiltrated website

Every day it seems, in your Letters to the Editor comments, there are one or two solicitations to "Make big bucks at home in your spare time" or such nonsense. Nothing to do with any submitted letter. Is there a way to suppress these, or perhaps I can advertise my garage sale in this manner?


— Martin Becker


Murkowski is as duplicitous as her father

In 2012, Lisa Murkowski, our U.S. senator appointed by her father as the most competent Alaskan he was able to find, voted to deny insurance coverage for contraception for American women.

Within a few weeks and much backlash she addressed groups of Alaska women and reporters stating, "I have never had a vote where I felt I let down more people that believe in me." She added that she would not ever vote the same way a second time.

Two days ago she voted to completely defund Planned Parenthood, whose main purpose is to provide family planning and contraception. They (Planned Parenthood) are prohibited from providing abortions using federal funds.

Her duplicity and cynicism and lack of respect for the people of Alaska mirrors her father's, the least popular governor ever of Alaska.

— Sheila Burke

Eagle River

Karma will deal with handicapped-card thief

To the person who opened my car door and stole my handicapped card hanging on my mirror Tuesday evening while I was in Momma O's getting takeout, may karma allow something to happen to you that makes you need the card more than I do.

— Christine DeCourtney


Murkowski must realize impact of defunding

I am writing today in response to the recent Senate vote on defunding Planned Parenthood. While I was relieved that the bill was blocked, I am deeply disappointed that both of the senators representing Alaska voted for this dangerous bill. Sen. Sullivan's vote was a disappointment, but not a surprise. Murkowski's vote, however, deeply hurt me. In a statement posted to her Facebook page, she claimed that she supported Planned Parenthood, and didn't support blanket defunding of the organization.

If that was true, though, why would she vote for a bill that did just that?

I simply don't buy her reasoning that she would co-sponsor an amendment that provided a more targeted approach to defunding, IF an affiliate broke the law. In her own post, she said she "received assurances that (their) amendment would be considered." As a woman who wants to know that I can depend on compassionate, quality family planning services, "consideration" is not good enough. I do not appreciate my health care being a political pawn in a high-stakes gamble, and I doubt the 21,000 other Alaskans who receive care from Planned Parenthood do either.


I am saddened to be writing this letter in the wake of another reprehensible attack on women and families' access to health care they deserve. I hope Murkowski realizes the stakes of her decision and opposes the efforts to defund Planned Parenthood moving forward.

— Kira Hamilton


ADN's Arctic drilling coverage is one-sided

Following the major news that drilling in the Chukchi Sea re-commenced, I was very disappointed to see ADN focus its coverage on the antics of extremist protesters ~1,500 miles to our south in Portland, Oregon, rather than the historic developments that took place off Alaska's northwest coast. If drilling in the Chukchi is successful, the result could be a game-changer for Alaska and the nation in terms of our energy, economic and national security. In addition to extending the lifeline of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and providing a source of affordable and reliable domestic energy, it has been estimated that offshore development in the Chukchi alone could generate an annual nationwide average of 24,600 jobs and $96 billion in government revenues.

Yet with all of that on the line, ADN didn't choose to highlight the initiation of exploration drilling activity. Instead, it placed a lead, above-the-fold 1,400+ word Seattle Times story, about the efforts of a group of anti-energy activists who illegally and unsuccessfully sought to impact Chukchi drilling operations by preventing an icebreaker from leaving port in Portland. ADN can do better than that. Its readers deserve and expect it.

— Mary Ann Pease


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.