Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Aug. 13, 2015

Reboot US democracy hard drive

The fact that the majority of the punditocracy and the GOP base consider an abrasive, reality TV star/ real estate mogul to be prime material for the next POTUS, makes me think the idea of democracy in the 21st century for this republic needs a complete reboot.

— Brian MacMillan


EPA is its own worst enemy

Thank you EPA. We are from the government, and we are here to help you. Imbeciles. They are paid well to do their jobs. Just move the story ahead 10 years, to a Pebble mine dam failure.

— Will Hayes



We will never stop fighting to protect our ocean from oil spills

My name is Earl Kingik and I am a member of the Native village of Point Hope. I grew up in Point Hope and learned how to live off of the lands and waters that surrounded me. Now I teach the younger generations to practice our traditional ways.

My greatest concern for my community is an increase in offshore activities, in particular offshore oil and gas production. When companies like Shell Oil work out there anything can happen, including an oil spill. I've seen what happens when oil spills into the water. I visited the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon disaster five years ago. I held the oil in my hand and it wouldn't wash off. The smell stayed for many hours. I could feel how the migratory birds must have felt when they were covered in oil.

Imagining how the bowhead whales and walrus would feel if there was an oil spill in the Chukchi Sea makes me feel overwhelmed. We are part of the ecosystem and we need to protect it. It has sustained us for thousands of years. Even the federal government says that there is a 75 percent chance of a major oil spill if leases are developed in the Chukchi Sea. I know some of the Native corporations are in favor of offshore development but I am not. The corporations do not speak for everyone, and I think it is important for people to remember this. I thank the Native village of Point Hope, the Inupiat community of the Arctic Slope, REDOIL, and the NGOs who are trying to stop Shell, and all of my friends in this work. We will never stop fighting to protect our ocean.

— Earl Kingik


Time for civility on right and left

In response to Linda Sharp's comments, "Jenkins is predictable R-bot," (ADN, Aug. 12):

As a working member of the health care system for 55 years, I call it the Wealth Care System. In this system the one with the most money wins and it is not the patient who receives the care.

As it stands, Medicaid expansion is a "broken system." Instead of playing the blame game, governors of all states should demand Congress fix the system for all Americans. Think it will happen? Think again.

Regarding Sharp's statement most "rational" people investigate and fall on different sides of the "political fence," try reading Shannyn Moore's vitriolic diatribe about the Koch Brothers, in which she calls them "Kochroaches."

On the other side, billionaire George Soros is investing millions in causes bringing this country to civil unrest.

Time for civility on both sides.

— Margaret Hansen


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.