Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Sept. 15, 2015

Krugman is never evenhanded, no matter what he thinks

I have long, as a matter of policy, ignored the drivel that passes as opinion columns written by the left-wing, knee-jerk liberal Paul Krugman.

Unfortunately I violated my own principles by reading his "Comment" article published in the Sept. 8 ADN. I was incensed and moved to fire off a letter to the editor immediately. Instead, I decided to endeavor to ignore his liberal diatribe. For almost a week I was successful in doing so but I just can't. So here goes.

Krugman says, "I know, now that I am supposed to be evenhanded…" Oh really, since when has Krugman ever been "evenhanded" about anything.

According to him, President Obama, easily the worst president in modern times is "a competent leader ( I almost chocked on that phrase) with some big achievements under his belt -- notably an unprecedented drop in the number of Americans without health insurance." Yeah right, this about a program the true costs of which to every taxpayer are still to be determined. How about, "If you like your insurance (doctor) you can keep them." The lie of the year. Or an Iran nuclear deal which will likely lead to a nuclear Iran that is dedicated to the destruction of one of our only true friends in the region: Israel. Which would likely be followed by an attack on the United States identified as the "Great Satan" by the leaders of that fine country.

He then claims Hillary Clinton did nothing out of the ordinary and the "email thing" doesn't rise to the level of a scandal. Let's keep in mind a majority of Americans are convinced Hillary, she who expects to be coronated, is a liar.

How about this, instead of publishing more of Krugman's garbage, when you feel the urge to do so, just publish this: "Krugman -- All Republicans/conservatives bad; all Democrats/liberal good. Hilary did nothing wrong just like Bill,. she is a victim of the vast right-wing conspiracy." You can then use the saved column inches for some evenhanded, thoughtful opinion pieces.

-- Dave Kaiser


Eagle River

Sullivan makes sure his summer visit story fits GOP spin

As I was driving my daughter to school Monday morning I was listening to NPR like most mornings. During the local news segment both of our Alaska senators were quoted as opposing the Iran nuclear deal. No surprise there; their party has made clear its position, but Sen. Sullivan went on to say that while here during the summer recess, he did not speak to a single constituent who was for the deal.

Ah the political spin game. Yes, that may be true, but this is the 21st century and face to face conversion is often not necessary, and in point of fact, not possible for most voters to get from their senator; that is reserved for the donor class.

As a person who did in fact contact the senator multiple times in writing, as is the most common means today, to voice my support for the deal, I find his remarks intellectually dishonest. In fact to his credit he or rather his staff contacted me each and every time I wrote to support the deal. The sophistry employed by the third senator from Ohio to make the story fit his views is disappointing and beneath a sitting U.S. senator.

-- Shawn O'Donnell


Anchorage is great place to be a senior citizen ‘on the mend’

Wow! What a great place Anchorage is for aging in place. I've recently returned back to Washington after my mother's lengthy recovery from a post-winter fall. She is well recovered now and there are so many things and people to appreciate:

The Veterans Administration Clinic staff and health care providers. We couldn't have done it without the contributions each of you made in a professional, prompt and above all kind manner. The home health and support was vital to us.

The top-notch group -- surgeon, nursing and floor staff at Alaska Regional Hospital -- each of whom took time to understand her needs and plan both for emergent needs and recovery, which was wonderful. The respect given to mom and quality of care is second to none, so good.

Nursing and floor staff, PTs and OTs at St. Elias were awesome. Thanks for keeping track of the flamingo, the steady supply of treats and help with long-term planning.

Things that make Anchorage great for active seniors: The Senior Center! The Senior Choir! The YMCA pool based exercise classes! OLE classes! Friends! Bear Tooth Monday arts night! Unitarians! Theatre and performance of all kinds!

What can't be left unsaid:

Handicapped parking: It's for people who need it. At times over half of the designated spaces in major grocery centers were taken by folks without permits of any kind.

The Performing Arts Center needs a better handicap and elder dropoff solution! There is no safe way to leave off a passenger in need of assistance anywhere close to an entrance. Why not a pull-through from one street to the other on the J.C. Penney side of the building? Anchorage's seniors deserve safe, fall-proof and easy access to one of the places that makes it great for them to age in place!

Thanks again to the Anchorage community for all the opportunities that make Anchorage a great place for elders.

-- Juno Whittaker

Olympia, Washington

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.