Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, Oct. 30, 2015

Kudos to ADN photographers

I am writing to express my gratitude for your continued presentation of the excellent, beautiful, informative and evocative local and wilderness photos of Bob Hallinen and Erik Hill. Their incomparable work remains a major reason for our sustained subscription.

— Mia Klinkner


Spend more of that Defense budget on Alaska military, vets

I see the Secretary of Defense might come to Fairbanks.

OK, well, I hear the military budget just got $80 billion.

If this is the case, the way our vets are being forgotten by the wayside is absolutely unconscionable. It also tells me we should able to keep our troops up here.


If you listen to the "End of the World" forecasters, they have the danger coming from Russia and China. In any case, Alaska is "the" strategic state in the union. Plus, Putin is like any short guy, out to prove something. And North Korea? Please, if that boy gets a twist in his panties, watch out.

I've disagreed with our Mideast policy since the old Bush. We shouldn't be there. But we are. They brought the fight to our soil. That was unfortunate for us, and them.

So, like President Eisenhower, I don't believe in our country being run by a large military complex, but it is. So, sink some of those billions here, with our soldiers, and our state. Do what you should be doing, Mr. Secretary — uphold the military.

— Lillian K. Staats


Mayor, Assembly should make city a device-free driving zone

If there's one area where a new driving ordinance with heavy enforcement fines is needed in Anchorage, it is with us drivers using electronic devices and taking our attention away from what we are doing: propelling a ton and a half or more vehicle down a road in Alaska's largest urban area.

More and more, drivers are distracted by doing too many things. I recently was nearly driven off Tudor Road by a driver merging from a side street with a stop sign. All I saw was the back and side of the sole occupant's head, who never looked to the merging lane. After changing lanes, I saw the middle-aged driver was talking on a cellphone and had no idea what was happening.

Let's ask the mayor and Assembly to have the courage to do the right thing: Make Anchorage a device-free city for drivers. Initially, it will generate some revenue, but over the longer time, it will result in a safer, friendlier city for drivers and pedestrians.

— Douglas Patrick


Internet offers lots of options for fans of the northern lights

In response to Stacey Mitchell's comment (Oct. 29) on aurora forecasting by the ADN, as an aurora photographer I have a couple sites bookmarked on my computer that offer not only data and forecasts but they have live webcams.

One of my eastern favorites is CSA Aurora Max/Yellowknife; they get dark earlier than we do and if they show lights on their webcam and we have clear skies I make sure my gear is ready!

Then my real favorite is a live webcam from Fairbanks that is run by Ronn Murray; his site can easily be found on Facebook. Try looking up Ronn Murray's Alaska Aurora Cam.

I hope you can find these sites with the info I've given. If anyone is on Facebook it'll be easy enough, and we also have a nice site called Aurora Lovers on Facebook, lots of info on aurora data and whether areas of Alaska have clear skies etc.

Hope this helps.


— Joy Bruns


The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.