
Readers write: Letters to the editor, March 19, 2016

Want to keep job? Then do it

Politics besides the circus of the presidential campaign has hit a new low. Refusal to even interview a Supreme Court nominee is absolutely unforgivable. Alaska needs to give our U.S. senators a warning … do your job or you are gone. To ask to be re-elected while not fulfilling their responsibilities is unacceptable. Vote no for any U.S. senator who puts politics before duty.

— Gregory Carr


Senators refusing to move on

nominee defy US Constitution

The Constitution of the United States, Article II Section 2 states that the president shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint judges to the Supreme Court.

Alaska Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, along with their GOP colleagues in the U.S. Senate, are abandoning their constitutional duty and responsibility when they refuse to hold hearings and vote on the president’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This denial of American justice needs to end now.

President Barack Obama is still the president of the United States. He is still taking care of business and must do so until the next president is elected and put in office next year.

Alaska’s senators must to do what they were elected to do as well. Or, would they rather risk leaving this all too important Supreme Court decision to Donald Trump, his gal pal Sarah Palin and others of their ilk?

Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan need to stop all their dawdling, posturing and wasteful actions. They need to represent the people of Alaska, not the Party of No with its limitless concentric circles of frivolity.

— Andree McLeod


Lawmakers act like children

Dear Sen. Murkowski and Sen. Sullivan: I urge you to carry out the job Alaskans elected you to do. A delay in filling the Supreme Court vacancy is not in the best interest of our country. They say timing is everything. What if Justice Scalia had died a year earlier? Would you have refused to even hold hearings on his replacement?

This posturing by those in the majority is the same as a child who doesn’t like the outcome of a game taking their ball and going home. Childish and immature is not what we expect of our United States senators. Please do what is right, not what those in power are telling you to do!

— Barb Angaiak


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