Alaska News

Should she run for president?

Call it the million-dollar question. Should former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin run for president of the United States? Do you think her service to Alaska qualifies her for the highest office in the land? Should her political prowess -- no one can argue the lady's a king-maker -- be used in self promotion and in opposition to President Barack Obama? The Wall Street Journal comes right out and asks the question here. The comment thread is fascinating. Tea party supporters say she's the only candidate who "truly supports" their platform while other self-proclaimed conservatives acknowledge that a Palin campaign would be Obama's best chance at reelection. Vote in the WSJ poll or on the Dispatch Facebook page.

Should Sarah run for president? Vote on Facebook.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.