Alaska News

Sneak peeks: McGinniss Palin book starring in Doonesbury comics

Devoted readers of Doonsebury might have noticed that the upcoming book about Sarah Palin by Joe McGinniss, "The Rogue: Searching for the real Sarah Palin" got "leaked" to the satirical cartoon's fictional Fox News reporter, Roland Hedley. Hedley, after consulting with his boss, starts tweeting choice bits of the pre-release text. And yes, the quotes are real. The Washington Post reports the quoted passages come directly from McGinniss's real-life book, set for Sept. 20 release, as part of an informal agreement between Garry Trudeau, Doonesbury's long-time cartoonist, and the author. McGinniss blogged on Monday that there isn't any contract, but that he considers Trudeau's attention "as high a compliment as I could ever receive." McGinniss also wrote there are six more "Rogue"-based strips coming soon. The most recent strip, from Monday, quotes the former head of then-Gov. Palin's personal security detail: "What it came down to was she didn't want us around ... You know what she was? A housewife who happened to be governor. I'd fly cross-country with her many times and she'd spend the whole trip looking at People magazine." To begin the book-leaking story line, click here, and to read Monday's strip, click here.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.