
Clinton campaign releases doctor’s letter describing mild pneumonia, good overall health

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – Hillary Clinton is healthy and fit to serve as president, her doctor said in a letter on the U.S. Democratic candidate's medical condition provided by the campaign on Wednesday.

The pneumonia Clinton was diagnosed with on Friday is bacterial and non-contagious, said the letter from Clinton's physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack.

"The remainder of her complete physical exam was normal and she is in excellent mental condition," the letter said.

The letter details the treatment Clinton received in the days before and after Clinton diagnosis of pneumonia on Friday before she fell ill as she left a Sept. 11 memorial.

Bardack has evaluated the former U.S. secretary of state several times, including on Wednesday, after a chest scan on Friday detected her pneumonia.

Clinton received a 10-day course of antibiotics, and since Sunday has rested at her home in Chappaqua, New York, where she "continues to improve," Bardack's letter said.

Only bacterial pneumonia, not viral, can be treated with antibiotics. Since it is not contagious, Clinton was at no risk of transmitting the infection at campaign and fundraising events before or after she was diagnosed.

Additional health records released with the letter show that Clinton's cholesterol and blood pressure are within normal ranges. She takes medication for an underactive thyroid and a blood thinner following a 2012 blood clot in her head while secretary of state.