Letters to the Editor

Letter: More nonpartisans

Flip the script. Imagine President Barack Obama had used the power of his office to get dirt on Mitt Romney in 2011. The Republicans would be outraged and the Democrats would go to any end to justify the actions. We’d be holding partisan impeachment hearings in which every lawmaker would be speaking sanctimoniously from the exact opposite position to their current one. Does anyone doubt this at this point?

The hypocrisy is glaring. The lack of courage to put America over party is pathetic.

I’m pretty sure our leadership is stuck in a perpetual loop of suckiness. What a bummer.

My only hope is that we vote out the Democrats and the Republicans. Vote in serious, respectful, independent thinkers — beholden to none and dedicated to the people. Leaders who can debate policy while standing firm for what is right. Leaders faithful to their oath to uphold the Constitution of the greatest country in the world. Make America great. Bring on the nonpartisans.

— Harlow Robinson


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