Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dying fishing communities

Until yesterday, I was unaware of the “slow economic death of Alaska fishing communities” (Steven Minor’s well-written commentary Sept. 3, “Adak: This is how Alaska fishing communities die”). I’m sure it has been well reported, but I tend to skim those articles, as I don’t fish. But I eat fish, I’m a lifelong Alaskan, I have a strong sense of fair play, and the politics described in Minor’s commentary smell way beyond fishy. This is an outrageous outcome. I’m no politician and not an attorney, but this cause is worth fighting for.

The state of Alaska should sue the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and those unnamed (why?) “Washington-state-based interests,” taking it all the way to the Supreme Court. Steven Minor’s commentary should appear in all of Washington’s major newspapers. And our congressional leaders should not let this issue quietly fade away. Thanks to Sen. Dan Sullivan for his past efforts.

Sheila Lankford


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