Letters to the Editor

Letter: Expert opinions

Just because you read a variety of people’s opinions on an issue does not mean you are able to make educated decisions. If, however, you seek the counsel of experts who have multiple years’ experience in their fields, you increase the chance.

When I served on the Anchorage School Board, I brought decades of classroom experience to the table, yet still consulted with other experienced educators to guide decisions that affected students directly. When I had to vote concerning building and maintenance projects, I first asked those with years of experience. When I make personal financial decisions, I work with experienced advisers. When I make medical decisions, I consult with one or more experienced doctors.

In regard to COVID-19, one of those whose counsel I seek is that of my sister, an infectious disease doctor with 40 years of experience in research, drug development and global immunization programs. To offer educated guidance to my daughter and son who work in the Anchorage School District, one of the pediatricians I gather information from is my sister-in-law, who has years of experience in Seattle’s Children’s Hospital ER and sees firsthand how this virus affects young children.

The ASD, in accordance with state law, has for decades required students to have multiple immunizations to attend school. Until there is a COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12, mitigations need to be taken. Therefore, I believe the school board’s decision to support the superintendent’s mask mandate in schools is the correct one. When the vaccine does become available, I encourage the ASD to continue monitoring mandatory immunizations.

— Tam Agosti-Gisler


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