Letters to the Editor

Letter: Strange affliction

A strange virus seems to have afflicted the keyboards of prominent Alaska Republicans of late, rendering their “B” keys inoperable.

In recent weeks, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, former state Sen. Cathy Giessel and, most recently, a handful of industry group leaders all have published columns praising the infrastructure legislation making its way through Congress. Notably absent in every one was any mention of the one guy most responsible for getting it done, President Joe Biden.

After years of lip service and inaction from President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans, it’s Biden and congressional Democrats who are delivering the vital investments in Alaska and across the country needed to fix roads, bridges, broadband and much more.

Thanks, President B.

— David Ramseur


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David Ramseur

David Ramseur is a former aide to two Alaska governors and Sen. Mark Begich, and the author of “Melting the Ice Curtain: The Extraordinary Story of Citizen Diplomacy on the Russia-Alaska Frontier.”