Letters to the Editor

Letter: Conflicts of interest

In 2019, West Virginia U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin co-authored an op-ed with Sen. Lisa Murkowski that said: “There is no question that climate change is real or that human activities are driving much of it. We are seeing the impacts in our home states.” They said they were working to find “pragmatic policies that can draw strong and enduring support.”

In 2021, Sen. Manchin has opposed legislation to fight climate change that would make it less profitable to burn coal for electricity generation, especially the waste coal that his family business sells. Manchin’s coal is dirtier and doesn’t generate as much electricity, and emits more greenhouse gasses and the main components of acid rain, than ordinary coal.

I bet I’m not the only Alaskan who would like to know what Sen. Murkowski thinks of her co-author’s blatant conflict of interest.

— Tim Hinterberger


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Tim Hinterberger

Dr. Tim Hinterberger is a professor in the School of Medical Education at University of Alaska Anchorage, with teaching responsibilities in anatomy and neuroscience and a research program in molecular embryology. He also serves on the board of the Alaska Public Health Association.