Letters to the Editor

Letter: Partisan attacks

I had to laugh when I read James Brooks’ article about the House Republican hand-wringing about the so-called “War on Alaska” being conducted by Joe Biden. What a joke!

Last week, thousands of Alaskans were at the Dena’ina Center attending an infrastructure fair, sorting through billions of project dollars that Joe Biden sponsored — which our delegation voted for.

As for the oil interests which are near and dear to their hearts, the GOP representatives don’t tell us that drilling on federal lands has gone up under Biden; the oil industry is now sitting on 9,000 leases on federal lands.While it’s true that Biden helped kill Pebble mine, I suspect a majority of Alaskans call that a fight alongside Alaska, not against us.

And President Biden extended unemployment benefits to thousands of Alaskans during the COVID-19 pandemic only to have a Republican, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, take them away. Whose side are the Republicans on, anyway?

So these so-called Alaskan patriots are willing to create a $2 million partisan slush fund in the Department of Law but don’t want to fully fund legal services for the poor. That speaks volumes about the character of these legislators. I think they need to be fired.

— Elston Lauesen


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