Letters to the Editor

Letter: Role reversal

Now that the Supreme Court enabled government to ban abortions and threaten to jail citizens for contraceptives, same-sex marriages and, perhaps soon, homosexual behavior, maybe it’s time citizens impose our religion on government behavior. Let’s police government officials’ morals as much as they police ours.The Catholic Catechism lists four criteria necessary for a just war. How about banning wars that fail to obey all four?

Abominations like the unprovoked invasion of Iraq — talk about federal government overreach! — not only attack our moral fiber, but also violate our religious freedom by forcing us to finance evil and to choose between going to prison or going to hell. Presidents who start unjust wars are the ones who should go to prison.Abortion “pro-choicers” say government shouldn’t meddle in citizens’ moral decisions. War “pro-choicers” say citizens shouldn’t meddle in government’s moral decisions.

I challenge Sen. Dan Sullivan to take a stand. Does he advocate big government’s “freedom” from citizens opposing its “right to choose,” or is he the “pro-life” Catholic he claims to be?

— Geoff Kennedy


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