Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep ranked choice voting

As did many other Alaskans, I voted for ranked choice voting, or RCV, and I do not want the Legislature to overturn this new voting system.

Candidates chosen by RCV will have majority support and will truly represent the community. Also, we now can select who represents us from a list of all parties because everyone runs in the same primary election. I do not necessarily vote for a candidate on party lines.  The last state election reflected less negative campaigning, since some candidates worked to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters to garner a second-choice vote. The new system promotes dialogue between voters and candidates and between candidates themselves.

In this time of tight money, RCV elections make sense. Each election is expensive, so by eliminating separate primaries, the state saves money.

The new system also encouraged more participation by candidates. There were many more people who registered to run for office. This certainly gives voters more choices.

RCV is becoming more common in the country with most of the positive benefits I have mentioned above. I do not want the Legislature to repeal ranked choice voting.

— Nina Faust


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