Letters to the Editor

Letter: Slim odds of finding another Earth

With improved telescopes and detection methods, astronomers are finding more and more planets orbiting distant stars. But most of them agree, the chances of finding a planet with complex life, like that we have on Earth, are quite small.

While the sheer immensity of the universe might improve the chances of finding Earth-like planets, think of the odds of finding one with inhabitants similar to those on our world. A population that: doesn’t take care of individuals who need taking care of; endures mass gun murders every day, with very few government leaders doing anything to prevent them; is allowing extensive damage to its planet’s vital ecosystems, imperiling all life; has engaged in many devastating wars killing and maiming millions of its inhabitants; has developed weapons of mass destruction that can cause extinction to all life on our planet.

The chances of discovering an Earth-like planet are infinitesimally small. The odds of finding a civilization like ours are even smaller — staggering. Yes, we are unique in the universe. But not in a way, I believe, that our galactic neighbors, if they are out there, would approve.

— Frank E. Baker

Eagle River

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Frank Baker

Frank E. Baker is a freelance writer who lives in Eagle River.