Letters to the Editor

Letter: Disturbing imagery

Like many people these days, especially those with children, I’m alarmed by increasingly disturbing images, scenes, and grotesque figures that appear randomly on our screens. Now that Halloween is upon us, the ghouls think that they have the right to invade our society with disturbing images and creatures on their way to Hades.

Strange and even deranged producers, as if on a pass from the psychiatric ward, inundate public media with ever- weirder scenes and loud, disturbed music that could damage vulnerable minds for a lifetime. Why does our society tolerate this?

This can have the effect of laundering and identifying those who may eventually present a public danger, or pacifying the deranged for a year. But when I was growing up, that was accomplished without a day pass to the underworld.

If our society is to survive, we have to draw the line somewhere with freedom of speech. Graphic violence and demonstrative disturbing images must be outlawed, or else those angry, violent people might grow up and have weapons of destruction.

— Harold Edgar Bartko


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Harold Bartko

Harold Bartko Jr. is a 53-year resident of Alaska and former abuser of alcohol.