Letters to the Editor

Letter: Remembering Alaskans who put Alaska first

In the course of my life in Alaska since 1946, I have met and had brief exchanges with many of our state’s leaders.

If the following list sounds like name-dropping, it is; to make a point. Each of them, now deceased, worked steadfastly for the betterment of all Alaskans, despite political party affiliations.

Most notably, they include: Gov. Bill Egan, Gov. Walter J. Hickel; Gov. Jay Hammond; Gov. Bill Sheffield; U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens; U.S. Rep. Don Young; Anchorage Times publisher Bob Atwood; Anchorage Times editor Bill Tobin; University of Alaska President William R. Wood, Anchorage community leader Max Hodel; banker and community leader Frank Reed Sr.; Anchorage Mayor George Sullivan; Alaska Constitution drafter Vic Fischer and Anchorage businessman Barney Gottstein Jr.

It was an honor to have met with these special people who made significant contributions to our community, state, and nation. Their focus was clear and unobstructed by partisan politics.

Each of them was fiercely dedicated to Alaska and its communities. They worked to unify people, not divide them.

As we look to the future, we might take a page from our past and seek leaders who have our state and all of its residents’ best interests at heart.

And today, I believe U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola are such leaders.


— Frank E. Baker

Eagle River

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Frank Baker

Frank E. Baker is a freelance writer who lives in Eagle River.