Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank you, Anchorage

I just finished a three-week vacation in your city, and I can say without a doubt it was the best three weeks of my life. I’ve visited before, but this was my first time visiting with impending plans to permanently relocate there in a couple of years from Seattle, for a few reasons.

I am trying to escape the summers here that are growing hotter, as well as the extreme far-left politics that have ruined my home. I love urban life mixed with nature, mountains, the sea, cold winters with lots of snow and cool summers — your city has it all. In my three weeks, I did more socializing with strangers than I’ve done in my entire life, and every interaction filled me with such joy and made me feel like I matter, something I’ve never quite felt before.

From kind neighbors helping me get my rental car out of the snow to groups of us trying to navigate safely around moose on the Coastal Trail, I was treated with such respect. I’ve been to cities large and small all over the world and, without a doubt, Anchorage has the kindest, friendliest people I’ve ever come across. I now know my decision to move to your city will be the best decision I could ever make for myself. You’ve made this 28-year-old, socially awkward gay guy feel welcome and accepted in a way I never have before. I sincerely look forward to getting to know more of you. Thank you, Anchorage.

— Ian Malin

Seattle, Washington

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