Letters to the Editor

Letter: Actions speak louder

Although Gov. Mike Dunleavy says he supports “the basic idea of education funding reform,” apparently the reform he favors doesn’t include any actual money for school districts. He has vetoed SB 140, the bipartisan bill that contains the very modest Base Student Allocation increase of $680, only about half of the $1,413 that education advocates have asserted over and over again is needed for real education reform.

In other words, Governor Dunleavy says one thing and means another. He is not listening to the thousands of Alaskans who have spoken up for increased education funding, Alaskans who want a good education for all of the children of Alaska. Despite repeatedly saying that he is “pro-family,” Dunleavy’s veto of educational funding tells every Alaskan that he is not really interested in the needs of families. Families need a good education for their children and they will not get it if schools are not adequately funded.

As my grandmother used to say, “Actions speak louder than words.”

— Bridget Smith


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