Letters to the Editor

Letter: Get out and vote

Anchorage has had very low numbers turning out to vote in all of our elections for some time now. In the last Assembly race, a lot of Outside money and support poured into that election. There were many nasty flyers sent out about some of the candidates. The opposition had no regard for how this may have hurt the individual or their families.

Once again, the same thing is happening: Nasty remarks and lots of Outside money that are supporting Suzanne LaFrance. One man who is contributing is John Arnold of Houston, Texas. I cannot comprehend why this man would have such an interest in our election for mayor of our city. Something stinks to me. A long time ago, there were bumper stickers you could put on your car that said something like, “We do not do it the way the Lower 48 does.” We are independent frontier people.

Please do not let outsiders interfere with us Alaskans and the outcome of our elections.

Everywhere I go, I constantly hear, “I am so tired/disgusted with this Assembly.” All you people who say that, please get out and vote and get your relatives, friends and neighbors to do the same. Re-elect Mayor Dave Bronson and let us get rid of the real problem, the Assembly. All this Assembly wants is control and power.

Please get out and vote. It is an honor and a privilege that no one should take lightly.

— Sandra Crittenden


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