Letters to the Editor

Letter: Poor representation

I wish I lived in a state where the governor and the attorney general respected their oaths and the constitution, as both of these individuals in Alaska try over and over to circumvent the very thing they are sworn to uphold.

Attorney General Treg Taylor acts not as the attorney for Alaskans, but as the governor’s Roy Cohn to do his bidding. Recently, a judge ruled giving state money to “homeschool” parents is exactly what it is, an end-around voucher program in violation of our constitution. Egregious as it is, the AG used this very money to send his children to Catholic school, which is not a correspondence school, giving a perfect example of why it’s unconstitutional.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy (not a lawyer) disagrees with the judge’s ruling (lawyer) and Sen. Bill Wielechowski’s (lawyer) agreement and the Legislature’s legal counsel (lawyers) on the ruling. A decent person and governor would say “I don’t agree, but I will abide by the ruling and thus the law,” instead, this governor laid out all the ways he intends to circumvent our constitution and the ruling.

AG Taylor embarrasses himself and shows why he was not the first choice as AG when he claims the ruling will prevent us from buying textbooks. We live in a constitutional republic and state, and we don’t get to pick and choose the parts we like or agree with to follow.

— Shawn O’Donnell


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