
VIDEO: Running Mount Marathon

Wearing a GoPro camera, Clint Farr captures what it's like on the trail during the challenging Mount Marathon race in Seward, Alaska.

Farr also wrote an essay about his 2013 Mount Marathon race.

Twenty-one years ago, I committed an act of cowardice. I stood at the start of Seward's Mount Marathon race and handed my bib to a friend. I was too scared to do it.

I'm 40 now, married with two young daughters, gainfully employed, living in beautiful Juneau, and having a great life. I've learned enough in 20 years to know fear keeps me from doing something stupid, but it shouldn't keep me from doing everything.

I look back on that day and cringe.

Cowardice was not unusual in my young adulthood, but it mostly involved an inability to speak complete sentences around attractive women. Looking through my senior yearbook can cause a paralysis of continual cringing. There's no chance of atonement for most of those regrets.

But Mount Marathon is different.

I can atone for that act of cowardice. I can run the damn race.

READ MORE: Scared to race 21 years ago, Mount Marathon becomes race of redemption