
Aviation documentary now showing at Anchorage Museum

A new film from National Geographic, "Living in the Age of Airplanes," which includes footage filmed in Alaska, is showing at the Anchorage Museum planetarium.

Director Brian Terwilliger and his crew filmed in 95 countries for the 47-minute film, which is narrated by actor and pilot Harrison Ford. The movie shows how aviation has changed the world, bringing people together in a way never before seen in human history.

It presents this message in several ways, including the transportation of roses farmed in Kenya, packed in Amsterdam and then, eventually, delivered to Stevens International Airport in Anchorage. One rose ends up in a nearby home.

"We wanted to show how connected the world is, even if you have never been in an airplane," explained Terwilliger in a recent phone conversation.

"Aviation is more integrated in daily life in Alaska than anywhere else in the world," he continued. "There is a utilitarian use of it here for so many things, but if you love aviation, then Alaska truly is a beautiful paradise."

Due to time constraints, much of the footage shot in Alaska did not make the final cut, but the state left its mark on the director, who noted the aircraft street crossings around Lake Hood as one of the more remarkable things he had seen in his travels. He also stressed how Alaska's reliance on aviation echoes the overall themes of the film, showing how the jet age has made the sort of wonders that were "once only available to explorers now open to all of us.

"We can now see and experience things that we used to only read about," explains Terwilliger. "We were born into this moment and I hope the film will help put into perspective for viewers how amazing this time is and what aviation has brought us."


"Living in the Age of Airplanes" shows at 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in the Thomas Planetarium at the Anchorage Museum, at least through the end of 2015.

Contact Colleen Mondor at colleen@chasingray.com.