Alaska News

Miller: I'll fight to roll back government, defend unborn, reduce debt

Winter is coming.

Winter is coming and Alaska is unprepared.

Winter is coming and Sen. Murkowski and Scott McAdams want you to believe that the summer days of federal spending are without end.

They are wrong.

Every year, each family prepares a budget, determines how much they can spend, and then struggles to live within their means. We do this because we know the alternative is disaster, leading to bankruptcy and handing our children a debt they cannot repay. Those in Washington, D.C., Sen. Murkowski's home of choice, have lost this understanding that we all have, because they are driven by an addiction to spending your money, and like every addict, will not give up their drug easily.

President Obama has gone too far, pushing our country to the left, driving up our deficit, and taking more and more power away from the states and to D.C. Sen. Murkowski has gone too far, compromising with President Obama rather than fighting his failed liberal agenda and giving billions more to businesses too big to fail than Alaskans too small to be seen. They will not stop on their own. Scott McAdams will not stop them, because he agrees with them. We, the people, have to stop them, and on Tuesday, we will.

I am trained for this, I am ready. My time at West Point taught me discipline, honor, and the commitment for a lifetime of service to my country. My time in combat in Desert Storm has shown me what courage can accomplish and how putting your life on the line makes you realize what truly is important. My time at Yale taught me about the Constitution, the document that has been the guiding light for our country. My time as a magistrate and judge has taught me about the law and about justice, and how they are not always the same. My time earning a master's degree in economics from the University of Alaska has taught me of the complexities and interdependent nature of all our diverse industries. And my time as a father of eight amazing children has taught me that the future is too precious a gift to waste on those who lack the responsibility and the vision to do what is right.


Make no mistake. Scott McAdams and Lisa Murkowski see only what the government can do, and how to perpetuate their role in that government. They fail to see what the government has already done. Sen. Murkowski has been in office for eight long years and she delights in telling Alaskans what project she has brought home to this state, which earmarks are her responsibility. What she claims no responsibility for is the deficit, the debt, the errors and mistakes. She cavalierly takes credit for bringing home millions of dollars, while washing her hands of the trillions of dollars of debt that came with it. Alaska will never have leaders without flaws, but what our state needs, what our country needs, are leaders who take responsibility for their failures and fix them.

I ask for your vote because you know what I will do. I will fight for our common beliefs. I will not compromise my faith in our ideals. I will fight not just to stop the growth of the federal government, but to pull it back. I will fight without end to open up Alaska's resources. I will fight to eliminate heavy-handed federal regulations. I will fight Obamacare. I will fight for the rights of the unborn. I will fight for a tax system that is fair to all. And I will fight for a future where our children can forge their own path, free from the burden of our debt.

My name is Joe Miller and I ask for your vote on Tuesday because I am ready to fight for you.

Joe Miller is the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.