Alaska News

Alaska Ear

ENDLESS LEGISLATURE. . . Overheard in the Capitol newsroom at the end of the regular session:

"You know it's been a long session when I can spell Wielechowski without even looking."

LEGISLATURE PRESENT . . . Offered by a longtime Capitol lobbyist at the beginning of the special session: "The classic definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, and expect a different result."

WHAT SPECIAL SESSION . . . Earwigs report the presidents of two of our major oil companies are so concerned about the Legislature rejiggering their taxes that they've gone bear hunting. Together. (No, darlings, that's not a metaphor. Real bear. We don't have any bear-like personalities in Juneau. Anymore.)

NO NEWS IS, WHAT? . . . What in the world is going on at KTVA-Channel 11? Word raced across town Thursday that the station is eliminating its morning and 5 p.m. newscasts and canning a bunch of people. But the really stunning news for folks in the news biz is that they've reportedly laid off anchor Dave Stroh, who is responsible for what status the place has as a serious news operation. Stroh has been the embodiment of their credibility for maybe 15 years.

The station has been in the habit of hiring reporters so young and green that the newscast sometimes resembled a high school production. Dave was the rock who held it together. Or so it seemed to viewers. Maybe the boss is just transferring him to another position. Or maybe the station is laying off the people at the top of the payroll. Gasp! A corporation wouldn't do that, would it?

A QUESTION . . . What does it mean that the people trying to shove the approach to the Knik Arm Bridge through the Government Hill neighborhood have an RFP out, trolling for property management services "for various residential and commercial properties in the Government Hill area ... as they are acquired from time to time"? The deal will pay up to $50,000, according to the form, dated March 29. The contract starts May 1.


As the RFP explains, "KABATA is actively acquiring properties and relocating tenants and businesses under guidelines set by state statute and federal rules and will continue this process over the next several months."

So, Ear guesses it's official. One of Anchorage's oldest neighborhoods is now toast. Ear must have missed the death notice.

FLYING FACTOID . . . Ear doesn't speak FAA, so the details here might be a little off. It doesn't matter. According to a notice from "Alaska Flight Services Information Area Group Marshall G. Severson, Manager (Acting)," the VOR/DME (presumably some kind of navigational/communication system) formerly on Fire Island has moved to "a location just east of Anchorage International Airport." Which is no doubt thrilling, of course. But the fun part is, they've given the system a new name.

It's called TED.

Darlings, what else?

WELCOME TO THE WORLD . . . as we know it, Drew Dobbyn Reed, second daughter of Paula Dobbyn and John Reed, who recently finalized Drew's adoption. Paula works for Trout Unlimited and is a former ADN reporter. John is a wildlife biologist with the feds.

DELAYED . . . Former Anchorage Archbishop Francis Hurley was due back in town this past week but earwigs report he took a fall in the nursing home where he was undergoing physical therapy for an earlier fall at the San Francisco airport. He's back in the hospital with a fractured left shoulder.

Hurley needs to get on a plane and come home, where we can take care of him without further broken bones. Really.

DUTCH HARBOR LIFE . . . From Unalaska police reports: April 10 -- "Suspicious Person/Activity -- A man wished to report that he had been spanked by the assistant cook of the vessel on which he was employed. The captain when told laughed at the man, who returned to work only to be spanked a second time.

Officers advised the man to contact either AST or USCG, as the incident occurred outside of local jurisdiction."

Compiled by Sheila Toomey ( The Ear column is posted at on Sunday night. It is available beginning early Sunday morning to our print and electronic subscribers. Message Sheila at 257-4341 or Find Ear online Monday at