
Thank you from King Cove residents continuing to fight for lifeline road to Cold Bay

Sometimes words are insufficient to describe decisions that affect us deeply, particularly when a consequence of the decision is that people you know and love are likely to be harmed. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell's heartless decision on Dec. 23 two years ago to deny residents of King Cove a life-saving road remains an unconscionable act. Apparently saving Aleut lives by means of a single-lane gravel road was of insufficient importance to be deemed in the public interest. The bruise from that particular body blow will never completely fade.

Since the secretary's decision to deny our land exchange and road, 37 human beings have required a medevac out of King Cove, and 14 of those required assistance from U.S. Coast Guard personnel. Dozens of patients, medical personnel and brave Coast Guard crews have all had to put their lives at risk. It is unacceptable, unsustainable and completely fixable.

I want to specially acknowledge Sen. Lisa Murkowski's continuing effort to get approval for the road. While it was not successful in the recently passed federal omnibus bill, we are encouraged beyond the ability of words to express the help and support we have enjoyed, and are assured we will continue to receive, from the senator.

There is no cause more important than preserving our lives and our health. I constantly worry that it's only a matter of time before the lack of this road will again result in the death of a friend or family member, fisherman or cannery worker, beloved grandmother or toddler struggling to breathe. It is that terrible day, when someone is unable to get to critical care at medical facilities for the lack of a road to Cold Bay's airport, which as the mayor of King Cove I dread more than any other. I am fully committed to working against time to prevent its arrival.

Having U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, Rep. Don Young, Alaska Gov. Bill Walker and the Alaska Legislature as our strongest allies to eventually overcome the secretary's decision is incredibly heartwarming. In King Cove this holiday season, we are counting these blessings and proudly standing strong with our allies for ultimate success in getting approval for the road.

Thank you is woefully inadequate as a response to Murkowski's efforts on our behalf. For years now, she has been our hero, our staunchest advocate, our most committed ally and a knowledgeable spokesperson both inside and outside of congressional halls. We know -- and this is her greatest of all gifts to us -- that her passion and energy for our issue is rooted in her assessment that ours is a morally and legally justified position. She wants a better life for our kids, and she appreciates that our connection to the road is about more than our physical safety. It is also a vitally necessary component to Aleuts' cultural survival on the Alaska Peninsula, a place where we have lived for millennia as quiet experts in the art of taking care of and adapting to the land.

For us to have someone of her caliber and intelligence in our corner is like a breath of fresh air. It renews our hope that one day we will prevail. This is a life-and-death struggle we are engaged in, and Murkowski shows us through her actions and perseverance that she gets it.


Our Aleut resolve and perseverance are the two best Christmas gifts we have to offer as we look forward to 2016 with great expectations we will finally win approval for this life-saving road to the Cold Bay airport.

Henry Mack is a lifelong resident and the mayor of King Cove. He has witnessed many friends and family members, including his grandchild, get medevaced out of King Cove.

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Henry Mack

Henry Mack is King Cove mayor, Stanley Mack is Aleutians East Borough mayor, and Della Trumble is a member of the King Cove Corporation and Agdaagux Tribal Council (as of May 8, 2013).